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- Fun-Level Bulletin Generator -
version 1.10
by Hugo Fortin
After having created Fun-Level, someone told me,
at a certain point, that he would like to see how much
he'd need to reach the next rank. That brought me to
FLBull, wich creates, from the Data File of Fun-Level,
a fully complete Bulletin that you can put with your
other text files, on your board.
I must admit that the idea was great, since that
particular guy uploaded near 3 megs of stuff, just to
reach the highest rank. It was probably an exception,
but those 3 megs were worthing the little time I had
put in the creation of FLBull... -Grin-
FLBull is as easy to install as Fun-Level (and
probably even easier). Since it doesn't need to be run
each night, like the other one, it just has to stay in
the same directory (to be sure you don't erase it by
inadvertance... -Smile-).
Bulletin Generator v1.10 Monday, March 4, 1991 4:44 pm Page 2
If you run FLBull alone, without any parameters,
an help screen will appears to remember you the proper
use, wich is:
FLBull <Config> [/A]
<Config> is the name of the configuration file. An
example of such file is included in the original
archive under the name of FLBull.Cfg. You can modify
any of its lines, according to your specific needs.
[/A] is the switch wich tells the Bulletin
Generator to create an ANSI file in addition to the
Ascii file. The three colors used by this option can be
configured in the configuration file, detailed below:
* C O N F I G U R A T I O N F I L E *
1 FLBLHead.Asc -> Name of the Ascii heading file
2 FLBLHead.Ans -> Name of the ANSI heading file
3 Flevel.Eng -> Name of the Data file
4 Bulletin.Asc -> Name of the Ascii text file created
5 Bulletin.Ans -> Name of the ANSI text file created
6 11 -> Color for the lowest number
7 10 -> Color for the highest number
8 9 -> Color for the rank given
Explanations on FLBULL.Cfg
1 - Like Fun-Level, the Bulletin Generator allow you to
display a certain number of lines before the rest of the
text file as an introduction. An example of such file is
included under the name FLBLHead.Asc.
2 - Same as the above, except that this file will be used
only if the ANSI feature has been enabled. A similar file is
also included (see FLBLHead.Ans).
3 - This is the name of the Data file used by Fun-Level
every night. (ex.: Flevel.Eng).
4 - The following line shows the name of the final text
file created by the Bulletin Generator.
Bulletin Generator v1.10 Monday, March 4, 1991 4:44 pm Page 3
5 - Same as the above, but for its ANSI counterpart.
* You can add a Path with the five filenames above, if
necessary. Just be sure to respect the DOS limit, wich is 63
6 - This is the color of the lowest number in the final ANSI
7 - This is the color of the highest number in the final
ANSI file.
8 - This is the color of the rank given to each user in the
final ANSI file.
* The three lines above apply directly in the final ANSI
file. They could be represented as following:
1000 2000 Millionaire
^ ^ ^
line: 6 7 8
For the color definition, I used numbers from 1 to 15
in their usual order described in details in the Fun-Level's
** As for Flevel.Cfg, the ANSI information are absolutly
necessary in FLBull.Cfg for the smooth running of the
program, even if you don't use this feature.
FLBull was programmed in Turbo-Pascal 5.5, by
Borland. This version was written on March 4, 1991,
snowy evening, just before going outside to shovel.
FLBull is a complement to Fun-Level and therefore,
is as free as the first one (but not Public Domain).
For comments or suggestions, please refer to the
correspondant section in FLevel.Doc.
Thanks for having downloaded Fun-Level.
Hugo Fortin -- March 4, 1991.